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Knowledge Nugget

This is a collection of micro-learning videos on emerging acquisition topics.

Other Media Items in the Collection

Contract Innovation and Risk Management

During the “Contract Innovation and Risk Management” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn that not all commonly used acquisition processes are required or rooted in law or regulation. In fact, oftentimes these "undocumented processes" may negatively affect acquisition processing times, contract

What is a Program Manager?

This Knowledge Nugget gives a brief overview of the various roles and responsibilities that an Program Manager (PM) is accountable for, and offers information on how to learn more about this important position.

The Many Facets of the Contracting Professional

This Knowledge Nugget gives a brief overview of the various roles and responsibilities that Contracting Professionals are accountable for, and offers information on how to learn more about this important position.

Category Management

During the “Category Management” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn about the elements of Category Management and recognize its place in the Federal Government including how to access the common acquisition platform known as the “Acquisition Gateway” and “Hallways” that organize common products

The Role of a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR)

During the “The Role of the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn about the duties, responsibilities, and limitations of a COR and recognize the characteristics of a successful Contracting Officer’s Representative. COR’s manage the daily operations of many

Big A: The Three Legs of Acquisition

During the “Big A” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn about how the elements of the overall acquisition process in the Federal government encompasses much more than just procuring goods and services. This larger acquisition context accounts for how new capabilities and their requirements are

Prohibition on Requesting Certified Cost or Pricing Data for Commercial Item Acquisitions

During the “Prohibition on Requesting Certified Cost or Pricing Data for Commercial Item Acquisitions” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn about how to determine the reasonableness of commercial item prices without obtaining certified cost and pricing data and recognize the prohibition from

Best Value Continuum

During the “Best Value Continuum” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn about the Best Value Continuum, which defines the importance of evaluation factors in negotiated acquisitions. The Best Value Continuum ranges from acquisitions that prioritize cost or price over technical factors (lowest price

Innovation and the FAR Guiding Principles

During the “Innovation and the FAR Guiding Principles” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn that the FAR is extremely flexible and allows for innovation and sound business judgement. Specifically, the FAR Guiding Principles provide the backbone for the acquisition process and are the key to

Contract Types

During the “Contract Types” Knowledge Nugget, you will learn about the different contract types identified in the FAR. Additionally, you will understand the importance of choosing the right contract type, as it is a critical part of the acquisition planning stage.


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