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Additional Tools

This page contains a variety of tools to help the Acquisition Workforce. 

IT Acquisition Workforce Continuous Learning Tool

GSA’s IT Acquisition Workforce CL Tool makes it easy for any federal employee requiring CLPs to stay current towards their federal credential. This PDF is an inventory of readily accessible Watch, Read, or Listen format learning resources users may browse and click on directly for access to take in FAI CSOD. Check out GSA’s demonstration video


This website is designed to make it easier for government agency customers to navigate the complete acquisition process and for industry to bring needed supplies and services into the federal marketplace. Available tools include the Pricing Intelligence Suite (including CALC, Airlines City Pair and Data & Analytics Dashboard), Acquisition Solutions NavigatorMarket Research as a Service, and much more! 

DAU Tools Catalog

DAU Acquisition Tools & Resources page provides access to job aides, guidebooks templates and more for on-the-job support! Includes great tools such as the DAU Subway MapProvision and Clause MatrixDoD Procurement Toolbox, and more.

This website contains the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and many useful tools such as the FAR Smart Matrix, the Acquisition Regulation Comparator, the PSC Manual, and Procurement Forecasts

Human Capital Tools

This page contains helpful links and resources related to workforce management.

Contract Pricing Reference Guides

The CPRG is a five volume set covering topics such as price analysis, quantitative techniques, cost analysis, advanced issues in contract pricing, and negotiations.

Accessibility Requirements Tool

GSA’s Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART), helps federal agencies improve compliance and conformance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. ART is a step-by-step guide to help you easily identify and document accessibility requirements for government procurements and contracts, as well as in-house IT development. ART is intended to help users incorporate the requirements outlined in the 508 Standards into procurement documents.

Acquisition Gateway

The official online platform for government acquisition programs, policies, initiatives and tools. Connecting acquisition professionals and federal buyers with the information and resources to improve acquisition government-wide.

CO Toolkit

The CO Toolkit is intended to provide acquisition workforce members with a comprehensive set of links to policies, resources, training, certifications and communities of practice all in one place, in an easy to use format, each heading will take you to the section with relevant links for your use; each section provides a link to return to the top of the page.

COR Toolkit

The COR Toolkit is intended to provide acquisition workforce members with a comprehensive set of links to policies, resources, training and communities of practice all in one place, in an easy to use format, each heading will take you to the section with relevant links for your use; each section provides a link to return to the top of the page.

Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI)

FSSI solutions provide easy access to common procurement vehicles that offer:

  • Greater discounts as volume increases
  • Business intelligence
  • Best practice solutions

Contracting Professionals Smart Guide

The CPSG is under review for maintenance and engagement. FAI is seeking information on usage and effectiveness. If you regularly use the CPSG and are interested in seeing it updated and maintained, please email

Certificate of Competency Process Job Aid

The Certificate of Competency (COC) Process Job Aid is a streamlined flow chart designed to guide you through the process a small business can use to obtain a COC from the Small Business Administration.


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